New user activation
Helping new client of Multiservice start using the service right away
About the project
We need to reduce the number of days from the moment user enters into a contract with the platform to the moment he starts using the service. Users do not understand what to do after authorization, and they seek offline help from the manager. Now we provide online help and support for them.
My role
Together with the product owner we studied the current metrics, developed the concept and scenario. I prepared lo-fi mockups for early development discussions and hi-fi mockups for final implementation. As well as illustrations and text.
Web platform user roles
The cargo carrier transporting the cargoes, the cargo owner provides the cargoes for transportation.
The buyer of fuel and services may work as a cargo carrier at the same time, or may be only a buyer as a private entrepreneur, freight forwarder or otherwise.
Sections on the platform
Different roles have different "default" sections. The user Buyer+carrier will be taken to the list of cargoes when opening the site. The Fuel Buyer user without cargo role will go to the Reports section in Multiservice area. There are the reports of his transactions for fuel and services.
User flow for Multiservice user earlier
Reports section for the fuel buyer
A new user gets here and has little idea what to do next. 84% of new users are onboarded by phone managers.
Implemented scenario
After entering the password on the platform, the user gets to a simplified connection, where we offer him to add cars and tell him how to replenish the account right now. It has not yet been possible to transfer the balance replenishment functionality to this scenario due to technical difficulties. But this is already the beginning, because now the user does not have any solid onboarding on the platform.
In the two weeks after the release of the activation, 45 unique users used it.
After 2 months, there we had already 266 users.

68% of these users actively used the platform after activation: topped up the balance and started making transactions.

These indicators show that we are moving in the right direction.
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